Human genetics : concepts and applications / Ricki Lewis
Psysical science / Bill W. Tillery
Why scools matter : across-national comparison of curriculum and learning / William H. Schmidt . . . []
Explorations: Stars, galaxies, and planets / Thomas T. Arny
Fundamentals of chemistry / David E. Goldberg
Through the telescope : a guide for the amateur astronomer / Patricia L. Barnes-Svarney, Michael R. Porcellino
Estuarine science : a synthetic approach to research and practice / Edited by John Hobbie
Why nothing can travel faster than light : and other explorations in nature's curiosity shop / Barry E. Zimmerman, David J. Zimmerman
Pathophysiology : presest self-assessment and review / Maurice A. Mufson
Digital code of life : how bioinformatics is revolutionizing science, medicine, and business / Glyn Moody