Bank Islam Dan Bunga : Studi Kritis dan Interpretasi Kontemporer tentang Riba dan Bunga / Abdullah Saeed ; Penerjemah :Muhammad Ufuqul Mubin
Bank Islam Dan Bunga : Studi Kritis dan Interpretasi Kontemporer tentang Riba dan Bunga / Abdullah Saeed ; Penerjemah :Muhammad Ufuqul Mubin
The Qur'an : an introduction
Freedom of religion, apostasy, and Islam
Islamic thought : an introduction
Approaches to the Qur'an in contemporary Indonesia
Interpreting the Qur'an : towards a contemporary approach
Menyoal Bank Syariah : Kritik atas Interpretasi Bunga Bank Kaum Neo-Revivalis / Abdullah Saeed
Islamic Banking and Interest / Abdullah Saeed